Political Anxiety: 7 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health During Election Season
Election season is officially here. While staying informed is important, seeing countless yard signs, commercials, social media commentary, and news interviews can quickly become overwhelming.
How An Anxiety Therapist Can Help With Lack of Appetite And Unintentional Weight Loss Caused By Anxiety
Some people struggle with a lack of appetite when they are in a state of anxiety. They may say their stomach feels like a knot, they find the idea of food repulsive, or they begin to have smell or texture aversions that make it hard to find any food appealing. Even if they force themselves to eat, it doesn’t stay down for long. Others will say that anything they eat during times of high anxiety will go right through them.
5 Tips to Help Someone You Love Cope with Anxiety
Watching your loved one suffer from anxiety and/or anxiety attacks can be difficult, especially if you don’t feel prepared to be able to help them. Here are five tips to get you started.
Self care tips and advice for aspiring medical students, medical students, and residents.
Sage advice from Dr. Lisa Whitty Bradley for medical professionals at all points in their career. Trying to get into medical school? White knuckling it through residency? Dealing with burnout? Wondering what is next? Thinking about giving up on your dreams? We’ve got expert tips.