
CBT Therapy Rebecca Fitzgerald CBT Therapy Rebecca Fitzgerald

What to Expect in CBT Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is widely considered to be the most common type of mental health therapy in the country. It can help with a variety of mental health issues, from anxiety and depression to PTSD and phobias.

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Anxiety Therapy Rebecca Fitzgerald Anxiety Therapy Rebecca Fitzgerald

How An Anxiety Therapist Can Help With Lack of Appetite And Unintentional Weight Loss Caused By Anxiety

Some people struggle with a lack of appetite when they are in a state of anxiety. They may say their stomach feels like a knot, they find the idea of food repulsive, or they begin to have smell or texture aversions that make it hard to find any food appealing. Even if they force themselves to eat, it doesn’t stay down for long. Others will say that anything they eat during times of high anxiety will go right through them.

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