How Women's Hormones Contribute to Anxiety
When it comes to women’s health issues, anxiety is a pretty common psychiatric occurrence. Roughly one third of women will experience some form of anxiety during their lifetime.
14 ways to cope with rising Islamophobia
Many people are being affected by increased racial trauma around the world. Saima Shaik, LPC has taken the time to speak on the mental health effects of increased Islamophobia and offers ways to cope.
Seeking therapy when your family is driving you nuts
Do you find that spending time with your family negatively affects your mental health? Maybe you are realizing that your negative self image started in childhood? If so, you are not alone! Here we describe some common issues and explain how to get help.
Tips for using your insurance to pay for therapy
Tips for getting your therapy paid for by insurance… It is not as easy as it should be, but we have suggestions to make mental health treatment more affordable for yourself and your family. When people are able to take care of their mental health, it leads to much better outcomes in many areas of life.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: information and tips for coping
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria is common in people who have ADHD or other forms of neurodivergence. It feels like an intense, visceral reaction to real or perceived rejection. This article will help explain more about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, as well as tips for coping.
I reached out and a therapist didn’t respond… now what?
Some thoughts on what it means if a therapist does not respond to your request and how to move forward. You deserve help with your mental health.
Self care tips and advice for aspiring medical students, medical students, and residents.
Sage advice from Dr. Lisa Whitty Bradley for medical professionals at all points in their career. Trying to get into medical school? White knuckling it through residency? Dealing with burnout? Wondering what is next? Thinking about giving up on your dreams? We’ve got expert tips.
Inside My Therapy Room: Thoughts from a Chicagoland Therapist
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see Saima Shaik, LPC as your therapist? This article describes what your experience could be like. Saima is a Muslim, South Asian therapist who sees clients of many backgrounds online in the state of Illinois, and in person in North Riverside, IL. Saima is ready to help you!